Boost Your Attendee Engagement For Virtual Events
The event space has seen an undeniable shift since the start of 2020. Since then virtual events have become an integrated aspect of the business world, some companies reporting that virtual events are up 1000% since the start of 2020. Even as live events begin to make their comeback, virtual events will continue to be a large part of the event industry. One of the main challenges arising from virtual events is, how do you engage your audience? Integrating a unique marketing strategy alongside your event will not only help your brand stand out but engage your audience.
Promotional products offer a tangible element to your virtual event, engaging your audience long after your event concludes.
Maintaining connection:
A major detriment to business brought about by the pandemic was the disconnect between businesses, employees, and clients. Adapting to the new landscape, 91% of businesses claim that one of their primary objectives for virtual events was to keep members connection. Branded merchandise with the event logo and colours can bring people together, making them feel like they are part of something bigger. Creating and maintaining a community over virtual space is more challenging. Delivering a branded promotional product during, or after your event helps your audience remain engages with your company while maintaining brand awareness and recognition.
Attracting new members:
Maintaining consistent membership growth was another major challenge a lot of businesses faced during the pandemic. During uncertain times, virtual events were a great solution. 62% of businesses said that a major goal of their virtual events was to attract new customers. In the past we’ve analysed how promotional products can persuade potential leads along your sales or marketing pipelines, you can read more about that here. The same tactics can be utilised to drive memberships alongside your virtual events. Your main barrier is continuing the conversation after your event has concluded. In-person events usually precede a debrief or networking session, which you now have to find a substitute. Branded promotional packages help retain the attention of your potential leads after your virtual event. Use a promotional product to brand the package and supply information on next steps, contact information for the company, and suggest where they can also network with other attendees of the event.
Raising Money:
Auctions, raffles, conferences, festivals, galas, or awards ceremonies were all ways organisations used to bring people together to raise money for a good cause. It was reported that 29% of businesses said their primary objective for virtual events was to raise funds. But take the event away and organisations have come up with some incredible substitutes for these events. A fundraising virtual event looks a little different, but still maintains the sense of community and connection that in-person events provide. A great example was the Kidney Health Australia red socks appeal.
During the month of November, Kidney Health Australia asked Australians to pull on a pair of red socks and run, roam, or ride 60kms to support those living with the daily challenges of this debilitating disease. Mirroring the average number of hours patients might spend on a dialysis machine each month. Swanky Socks produced both a branded custom sport and dress sock with the aim of helping facilitate more Australians into action. The virtual event raised over $73,000 to better the lives of those suffering from kidney disease. Read more about the campaign here.
Promotional products are a cost-effective and proven strategy that you can easily utilise for your next virtual event. Engage your audience within the virtual world, and help them to align their goals with your brand. Come discover what custom Swanky Socks can do for your brand.
Planning a new marketing strategy? Learn all different ways custom Swanky Socks can help.